– Grade 10 or 7-12- months driver/messenger experience; plus
– Valid driver’slicence (minimum code B).

•Knowledge of the procedures to operate themotor vehicle e.g. procedures to obtain trip authorities, complete the logbooks of
the motor vehicle, obtain consumables (e.g. petrol) and obtain basic services (e.g. fixing a flat tyre).
Knowledge of the prescripts for the correct utilisation of the motor vehicle e.g. how andfor what purposes can the motor vehicle
be utilised, what are the requirements for the storage of thevehicle.
Knowledge of city(ies) in which the functions will be performed.
Knowledge of the procedures to ensure that the motor vehicle is maintained properly.

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Drive light and medium motor vehicles to transport passengers and deliver other items (mail and/ordocuments).
Routinemaintenance on the allocated vehicle and report defects timeously.
Complete all the required and prescribed records and logbook with regardto the vehicle and the goods handled.

CLOSINGDATE: 17 January 2023

Applications can be forwarded to the: Recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Practices
Directorate, Department of Transport, Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
Applications may alternatively be hand delivered to the office of the Department of Transport, Inkosi
Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 in the vacancy box provided.

For the personal attention of Mr BHornsby.

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